Yet another community to join, Google+ vExpert Community Page

So with the recent re-design of Google+ I’ve been drawn back into the platform as now I think it has a little more viability as a community organizational group as well as a Social Media platform that I can use for what I would consider “Work Related”. I tend to separate Facebook for friends/family and G+ for work and technical community. From my interactions with others this is common as well.

5-17-2013 10-13-14 AM

Today I created the vExperts G+ Community page. If you would like to join simply click on the link and ask to be a member. vExperts from any of the previous years will be welcome so it won’t be specific to a set year. Also with the impending announcement of the 2013 vExpert designations I thought it would be good to get the page up and running prior to the announcement.


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