Humbled I Am – vExpert 2013

humbleFirst I’d like to thank John Mark Troyer who continues to run one of the best technical community organizations in the world.

For the second year in a row, I have been selected as a VMware vExpert, one of 574 in the vExpert Class of 2013. The growth of this program and its outreach has been significant this year. From last year, the total number was 443, we see roughly 131 new vExperts added to the list. Without having gone through the entire list so far, I can’t tell what the repeat to new ratio will be. I’m sure that analysis will be done in the days to come. Still its awesome to see this group grow and mature from year to year. New blood brings new ideas and new perspective, which for us is always a good thing.

And now, to all of those who were selected this year congratulations, you are now part of a first class community of people who are just as passionate about virtualization as you are.

For the first timers a few tips:

In the coming days and weeks you will be treated to a peek behind the community curtain. There is a lot of information to digest, and a lot of emails to receive.  I suggest setting up some email filtering rules to help you cope with the onslaught that is coming your way. I think my total vExpert email count numbered into nearly 3000 this year. 

Fill out your vExpert Profile and if you are active in Social Media or have a blog, update the community lists that will be available. This is important to help get your own personal message out to the community.

Be patient. There are many benefits to being a vExpert but they can take time to come into being. Please don’t spam the forums 🙂 Also, please understand that this is a community that has an element of give and take, and if you can contribute please do.

Shameless Plug:

And if I can plug some of the things I’ve been doing for the community over the last year: sign up for the Google+ Community we created. Shoot me a message to get your blog added to the vExperts Weekly Digest

 Oh and for you new to the club, remember, wear sunscreen.


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4 Responses to Humbled I Am – vExpert 2013

  1. Congrats Gabriel, well deserved once again.

  2. James Brown (@vegasvmug-Las Vegas VMUG Leader) says:

    Congrats Gabriel!!! You Truly Earned and Deserve It!!!!

  3. Pingback: My Biggest Competitor: The Status Quo | Thankfully, the RAID Saved Us

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