And the hits just keep coming:
West Virginia will save money on training technicians because they’ll only have to learn how to fix one type of router, not multiple routers, said Strickling, Obama’s point man on broadband issues.
“West Virginia believes they have found the most economical solution by buying a single product and getting a substantial discount,” Strickling said.
We are in the very best of hands :rolleyes: I’m pretty sure that there are no additional support steps for Cisco IOS that vary greatly between the different router models. Sure there may be additional cards to support that would not be common across different platforms, but the operating system is uniform.
And as for the “discount”, uh there is no way in hell the cost of buying the appropriate router needed for each location vs buying one size fits all was cheaper. This guys just talking out of his ass.
As of last week, more than 300 routers remained boxed up in storage. The stored routers came with a five-year service warranty, so the state has already lost two years of free maintenance on the devices.
At Wednesday’s hearing, Strickling was asked why West Virginia purchased more routers than needed. State officials, he said, later learned that many sites already had suitable routers and fiber connections.
Of course they did, and I’d hazard a guess they were working fine and didn’t need to be upgraded at all.
Yeah, lets drop a router that can support 50,000 users into that library that has 6 computers in it.
The proper router, for those places that actually needed one, was priced at $487. The total for 1064 of those would have been less than $51,000. That would have left $23,949,000 tax dollars that didn’t need to be borrowed from the Chinese and added to the national debt. Worse, the man who was warned the routers were oversized, Gianato, still has his job. The Obama administration is defending this spending. Could it be because the routers were bought from Verizon and Verizon donated $2,000,000 to the Obama campaign?
Can you give me proof of the donation made to Obama on behalf of Verizon? Looking all over for it can’t find it