So given that I’ve yet to edit/convert the first one of these things, I figured in the spirit of doing instead of thinking about doing, I’ll be hosting another Episode of Saturday Night Live Deep Dive. This week, I’ve invited 40 of my closest friends to hop aboard. This will be an exercise in discovery as I figure out how to manage a Google Hang out. For the record, the Google based instructions for things like Linking your G+ to your Youtube account are chock full of ass when it comes to readability. I had to “google” the results and even then the results were equally crappy. Go figure. Oh well you get what you pay for.
Tonight’s agenda: Rise Ye Unicorns. Following the awesome discussion on the latest episode of Geek Whisperers, I figured I would invite a bunch of people who are social in nature and rockstars by trade to discuss what its like to be recognized in the community, how they deal with “success” and “e-fame”, as well as anything else they find compelling to discuss. Now, apparently if you follow this link you can watch it live. If you follow me on G+ and didn’t get an invite and want one, just holla!